- 936-537-9125
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About Us
Chantilly Lace invites quilters and craft groups to stay with us. Located in the heart of Willis, Texas, we accommodate 10 guests.
My guests will enjoy adjustable beds equipped with 4 USB charging ports, vibrating base, and under bed lighting covered with luxury linens.
The kitchen features an oven with air fry and convection, a fully stocked cappuccino/coffee bar, with cookware and gadgets galore. If I don’t have it, I will get it.
Outside activities include a swimming pool and a sitting area under a covered deck.
The quilt studio features a forty foot design wall and custom tables, each equipped with its own pressing mat, Martelli cutting mat, and iron. In addition, each station is equipped with Arrow hydraulic chairs for you sitting comfort.
For the retreaters who do not want to cook, ALL STAR CATERING is available for orders at 936-228-0440.
Proudly announcing our newest addition to Chantilly Lace is our affiliation with PROFESSIONAL CHEF, Keith Malone. Classically trained at LeNotre Institute he is available for all retreats and your menu can be as simple or elaborate as you like. Please contact Chef Malone direct at 713-437-9361 or kmal27@yahoo.com.
Sew excited to make new quilt friends.
This is our home, we are always here!
Call me with any questions Karen Pichotta - 936-537-9125.